SubGrindz Presents:
⚙March Madness 3.0⚙
Get ready for the madness headbangers! The 3rd annual March Madness event takes place Saturday, March 11th in the upstairs hall of the Grand Haven Eagles and we will be going hard as we celebrate SubGrindz 26th birthday! There will be a bar serving alcohol to 21+ or you may bring your own non alcoholic beverages and food. We will also have a wide display of lights and lasers and flow toys are welcome and highly encouraged! Be sure to stick around til the end of the night for a surprise b2b! ?
Good Vibes Only!
Free Admission 18+
Open to the public
Doors open @ 7:00pm
Music from 7:30pm – Midnight
briddimboii 7:30-8:30
Jewelz 8:30 – 9:30
SubGrindz 9:30 – 10:30
Decicrate 10:30 – 11:30
Surprise b2b 11:30 – midnight